
For over 140 years, we have been serving the needs of people of all faiths, often during the most difficult times in their lives. We take great pride in helping families memorialize their loved ones and honor their family's memory.

Our selection is the largest in the area; including all types of granite headstones, bronze markers and cremation memorials, we offer thousands of options and styles to choose from. Our talented artist is able to create any type of customized artwork for a meaningful tribute.

We welcome the opportunity to meet with you in person to discuss the many, many choices you have and to assist you and your family in any way we can. 

Buying A Memorial Online

There are so many online headstone dealers, it's impossible to know who or where they are or how long they've been in business. When making such an important purchase, we believe you should know firsthand about the company you're dealing with. We are local and we pride ourselves on our commitment to providing helpful, personal service. We are familiar with the different regulations of the local cemeteries. Be aware that if you purchase a monument online, you will have to make all arrangements (which we always handle for our customers) including scheduling delivery and unloading it from the freight truck; making sure a footer is "in place"; installing the memorial and then getting the supplies used to properly seal it for protection.